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Häufig gestellte Fragen

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What is Skyflow?

Skyflow is a full-service provider for medical logistics by drone. We offer customized transportation services designed exclusively for the specific needs of healthcare facilities.

We bridge the gap between healthcare centers, hospitals and laboratories by delivering medical supplies quickly, efficiently and reliably. Our advanced drone technology enables us to transport critical medical supplies such as samples, medicines and much-needed medical equipment with exceptional speed and precision.

How does Skyflow support us as a full-service partner?

Skyflow covers all investments and takes over the entire operation of your drone transportation network. This includes obtaining flight permits, monitoring landing sites and flights, and ensuring the transported goods are safe. Your drone is available to you on call. If anything gets stuck, your direkt contact person or our support team will help you around the clock.

Is transportation by drone even allowed?

Strict regulations apply to drone transportation in the EU. We have undergone inspections by the Aviation Authority and are EU-LUC certified. We work according to aviation standards, just like our great role models in traditional aviation. We can fly for you. (If you let us.)


Why drones?

Why not? A cab during rush hour is not a solution.

Our drones are faster, more environmentally friendly, cheaper and more flexible than transportation by road. We fly according to schedule or on demand - just as you need it. Thanks to GPS, sensor technology and QR code recognition, the drones land with pinpoint accuracy. Your material arrives reliably at its destination and the central laboratory is suddenly next door.

Welche Kostenvorteile bringt die Drohnenlogistik von Skyflow mit sich?

Durch die Automatisierung der Transporte mit Drohnen fallen bei Skyflow geringere und berechenbare Kosten an als bei herkömmlichen Logistikmethoden. Sie profitieren von niedrigen Transportkosten bei höchster Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit.

Gerade bei einer hohen Transportfrequenzen auf fest definierten Routen lohnen sich Transporte per Drohne besonders.

Welche Umweltvorteile bieten die Drohnentransporte mit Skyflow?

Der Einsatz der Skyflow Drohnen für Transporte bringt erhebliche Umweltvorteile mit sich. Im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Elektrofahrzeugen erzielen die Drohnen eine Energieeinsparung von 90% und tragen somit zur Umweltverträglichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit bei.


Wie funktioniert der automatisierte Start der Drohnen?

Die Skyflow Drohnen verfügen über eine vollautomatisierte Startprozedur. Dadurch können sie rund um die Uhr starten – auf Knopfdruck und ohne manuelle Steuerung. Diese hohe Verfügbarkeit ermöglicht es, auch zeitkritische Sendungen zuverlässig und pünktlich zuzustellen.

Zu welchen Zeiten können Transporte mit den Skyflow Drohnen durchgeführt werden?

Die Skyflow Drohnen sind 24/7 verfügbar. Sie können Flüge nach einem festen Zeitplan oder flexibel auf Knopfdruck starten lassen – sogar rund um die Uhr. Diese hohe Verfügbarkeit ermöglicht eine zuverlässige und zeitnahe Zustellung Ihrer Transporte.

Wie läuft die Landung der Drohnen ab?

Die Landung der Skyflow Drohnen erfolgt dank modernster GPS- und QR-Code-Erkennung absolut präzise am gewünschten Ort – ohne jegliche Abweichung von der geplanten Route. Innerhalb von Sekunden nach der sicheren Landung sind die Güter entladen und die Drohne ist wieder einsatzbereit für den nächsten Flug.



How safe are drones?

Safety and reliability are the basis of our company's existence. It is not enough to be fast and cost-effective. We can only grow if we convince even skeptics of the security of our solution and if we have an impeccable track record over the years. Read more about safety here.

What aviation license does Skyflow have?

Skyflow is the first company specializing in medical transport by drone to be certified according to EU-LUC. This aviation license confirms that Skyflow meets all the requirements of the aviation authorities for the use of drones.

How are Skyflow's transports insured?

With Skyflow, your transported goods are comprehensively insured in accordance with aviation standards. If, contrary to expectations, something should go wrong, you are covered in the best possible way and your goods are protected by aviation and carrier's liability insurance.

Who monitors the landing sites and automated flights?

Skyflow takes over the setup and ongoing monitoring of all landing sites. Although the drone flights take place fully automatically, whether at fixed times or at the push of a button, they are monitored and controlled remotely. This ensures safe operation.

How are the transported goods secured during the flight?

The Skyflow drone transport boxes comply with the UN3373 standard and are leak-proof. This ensures that the cold chain is permanently maintained and your temperature-sensitive goods remain protected at all times. The containers are also lockable to prevent unauthorized access. Your transported goods are also comprehensively insured in accordance with aviation standards.

What safety measures are in place during drone flights?

Skyflow attaches great importance to safety and meets all the requirements of the aviation authorities. The drones follow precisely pre-programmed routes, the transport boxes are UN3373-compliant and the ground infrastructure is professionally installed.

Skyflow also has an EU LUC aviation license and is based in Germany, giving you full control over your transport throughout the flight thanks to live location tracking and continuous temperature monitoring. With a flight speed of up to 100 km/h, the drones reach their destination safely and efficiently. Equipped with the latest sensor technology, they land precisely at the intended location.

What measures protect the drones in the event of a total failure?

In the extremely unlikely event of a total failure, every Skyflow drone is equipped with a parachute system. This is triggered automatically and brings the drone safely to the ground without endangering people or property.

Your goods are stored in a secure, lockable container. Even in the unlikely event that the shipment falls into the wrong hands, it cannot be opened.


How does the implementation work from the idea to regular operation?

We visit you on-site, record your requirements and gain an impression of the local conditions and your processes. This results in a detailed project proposal as the basis for implementation. Two months after the start of the project, we begin with test flights and training your employees. If everything runs smoothly, regular operations start in month three.